Thought Leadership
Common Issues in Investigating Intimate Partner Violence
Webinar hosted by Bricker Graydon
Co-presenter with Jessica Galanos
October 2024
Analyzing Evidence and Writing Determinations
State University of New York Student Conduct Institute
Three-hour seminar for Title IX decision-makers
August 2024
Advanced Investigations Workshop
State University of New York Student Conduct Institute
Interactive skill-building workshop on advanced issues in Title IX investigations
August 2024
Title IX Investigator Training
State University of New York Student Conduct Institute
Two-part, six-hour online training attended by approximately 150 participants
August 2024
Title IX Roundtable
Full-day training on 2024 regulations and Title IX investigations
University of Tennessee system
June 2024
Title IX 2024 Regulations & Compliance Requirements –
What Higher Education Needs to Know
Vector Solutions webinar for over 1400 registered attendees
June 2024
What Employment Lawyers Need to Know About Title IX
State Bar of Michigan Labor and Employment Law Section webinar
October 2023
Title IX Regulations Refresher Training
Three-hour online training attended by over 100 Title IX administrators and members of campus leadership from five public institutions
October 2023
Title IX Investigator Training
State University of New York Student Conduct Institute
Two-part, six-hour online training attended by approximately 180 participants
September 2023
Advanced Investigations Workshop
State University of New York Student Conduct Institute
Three-part interactive workshop on advanced issues in Title IX investigations
September 2023
Title IX Training
Michigan School of Psychology
March 2023
Title IX Investigator Training
State University of New York Student Conduct Institute
Two-part, seven-hour online training attended by approximately 160 participants
January 2023
Training on Title IX and Sexual Harassment
Spring Arbor University
Training for athletic staff and student athletes
November 2022​
Title IX Regulations Refresher Training
Three-hour online training attended by over eighty Title IX administrators and members of campus leadership from five public and private institutions
October 2022
Ask an Expert--Discrimination Law
Legal Issues in Higher Education Conference
Hosted by the University of Vermont
Co-panelist with Neera Skurky and Joshua Richards
October 2022
Title IX Investigator Training
State University of New York Student Conduct Institute
Two-part, seven-hour online training attended by approximately 190 participants
October 2022
Training on Title IX Regulations
Intrinsic Schools (Chicago, Illinois)
Three-hour training attended by school administrators responsible for Title IX implementation and compliance
September 2022
Title IX Investigator Training
State University of New York Student Conduct Institute
Two-part, seven-hour online training attended by over 250 participants
August 2022
Training for Hearing Panelists and Appellate Officer
Eastern Michigan University
May 2022
Hearing Officer Training
University of Michigan
October 2021
Investigator Training
University of Michigan
June 2021
Forensic Exams in Title IX Hearings
New York exCHANGE Virtual Conference
Hosted by The State University of New York and New York State Office of Victim Services
January 2021
Sexual Misconduct: Overview of Relevant Laws, Training, Processes, and Reporting in Higher Education
Webinar hosted by the Tarjan Center at UCLA
August 2020
Training on Title IX Regulations
Webinar attended by school administrators from Lake Forest (Illinois) School District
August 2020
Training on Title IX Regulations
Three-hour online training attended by over one hundred Title IX administrators and members of campus leadership from five public universities
June 2020
K-12 and Title IX: What You Need to Know About the New Regulations
Co-presented with Jody Shipper of Grand River Solutions
Two-part in-depth online national training attended by administrators from over forty K-12 school districts
June 2020
August/September 2020
Practical Strategies for Title IX Regulations: Investigations and Adjudications
EVERFI CPN Summit 2020
June 2020
Title IX Investigations and Compliance Strategies
Current Legal & Policy Issues in Higher Education Conference
Michigan Independent Colleges & Universities (MICU)
Lansing, Michigan
Ensuring Equity and Due Process in Title IX Hearings
Six separate day-long presentations attended by representatives from over 25 institutions.
Hosted at John Carroll University, Central Michigan University, Eastern Kentucky University, University of Nebraska, University of Virginia, and Hogan Marren Babbo & Rose
Title IX Training
A full-day intensive investigations workshop with Title IX leadership at a charter school for grades 7-12. Sessions included setting up complaint intake and documentation systems, mandatory reporting, and investigation skills.
Intrinsic Schools
Chicago, Illinois
Evidence and Credibility Assessments in the Title IX Interview and Investigation Organization and Interviewing Fundamentals
Title IX Investigation Conference
Attended by Title IX staff from numerous institutions.
Grand Valley State University
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Title IX Investigations: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Livingston County (MI) Community Response Team
Brighton, Michigan
Hearing Panel Certification Training
Attended by Title IX staff from seven different institutions.
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama
Training on Title IX and VAWA
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan
Conducting Title IX Investigations
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan
Title IX Investigations of Campus Sexual Assault
Campus Sexual Assault Conference
Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys’ Advisory Council
Phoenix, Arizona
Title IX Investigations
Michigan Universities Self-Insurance Corporation
Risk Manager/General Counsel Meeting
East Lansing, Michigan
What Every Police Chief Needs to Know About Title IX
Michigan Police Chiefs: Official Publication of the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police
Issue 3
Fall 2018
Title IX Compliance for K-12 Schools Under the Trump Administration
The Journal: Magazine of the Indiana School Boards Association
Vol. 64, Issue 1
Winter 2018
Title IX: Role of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners in Campus Sexual Assault Proceedings
Journal for Nurse Practitioners
Vol. 12, Issue 2
February 2016
Coming Soon to a Campus Near You ... VAWA
Journal of College and University Law
Vol. 41, No. 3
Is Your District Equipped to Address Sex Discrimination? The Role of the Title IX Coordinator in the K-12 Context
MASA Leader
Official magazine of the Michigan Association of School Administrators
Fall 2015
Violence Against Women Act: Incidents of Domestic Violence On/Near Campus and Implications for Family Law Practitioners
Family Law Journal
State Bar of Michigan
Vol. 45, No. 5
May 2015
Does Your Chapter Tolerate Sexual Assault? The Answer is More Complicated Than You Think
Vol. 35
Spring 2015
Square Peg, Round Hole: The (Sometimes) Misfit Between Campus Title IX Processes and Claims of Interpersonal Violence
Co-facilitated with Holly Rider-Milkovich, Vice President of Prevention Education, EVERFI.
2018 ATIXA Annual Conference
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Aligning Campus Title IX Processes to Address Reports of Intimate Partner Violence
National webinar co-facilitated with Holly Rider-Milkovich, VP of Prevention Education, EVERFI.
Title IX Training
Two half-day workshops on conducting investigations pursuant to Title IX (and corresponding VAWA requirements), including sessions on the relevant legal framework, preparing for the investigation, the investigative process, assessing credibility, and writing investigation reports.
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Conducting Sexual Misconduct Investigations
An intensive two-day workshop on conducting investigations pursuant to Title IX (and corresponding VAWA requirements), including sessions on pre-investigation considerations, interviewing parties and witnesses, weighing the evidence, and writing investigation reports.
Penn State University
State College, Pennsylvania
Spring Lecture: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in Youth Sports
Co-facilitated with Dr. Lisa Markman, M.D. (Board-Certified in Child Abuse Pediatrics).
Fer de Lance Field Hockey Club
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Title IX Training
A full-day workshop comprised of modules, including conducting effective investigations under Title IX (and corresponding VAWA requirements) for staff who investigate sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking; introduction to Title IX and VAWA for campus partners; and sexual harassment as a civil rights issues for institutional leadership.
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, Michigan
Sexual Misconduct Review Panel Training
A day-long training for campus personnel who serve on the University’s review panel, including separate modules on the introduction to Title IX and VAWA, the role of the investigator, understanding the role of the review panel, sanctioning, and interactive workshops implementing review panel skills.
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Title IX Training
A full-day workshop comprised of several modules on Title IX (and corresponding VAWA requirements) for institutional leadership, campus security, and faculty.
Walsh College
Troy, Michigan
Title IX Training for Deans and Faculty
Two separate sessions of Title IX training for school deans and faculty of a charter school, grades 7-12.
Intrinsic Schools
Chicago, Illinois
Title IX Training
A full-day intensive investigations workshop with Title IX leadership at a charter school for grades 7-12. Sessions included setting up complaint intake and documentation systems, mandatory reporting, and investigation skills.
Intrinsic Schools
Chicago, Illinois
Sexual Misconduct Systems Training
A day-long individually tailored training focusing on establishing Title IX-compliant sexual misconduct complaint intake, investigation, and adjudication systems.
Chicago State University
Chicago, Illinois
Sexual Misconduct Investigation Training
A full-day interactive workshop designed to train Title IX staff. Sessions included complaint intake and initial assessments, interviewing parties and witnesses, and documentation/compliance.
Kalamazoo College
Kalamazoo, Michigan
What's Trending in Title IX: The Rescission of the 2011 DCL, The Latest in Title IX Litigation and a Close Look at Specific Title IX Issues Currently Facing Colleges and Universities
Panel moderator at CLE conference entitled University Compliance Programs: Succeeding in an Era of Change.
National Association of College and University Attorneys
Washington, D.C.
Understanding Title IX and Its Intersection with the Criminal Process and Best Policies and Practices: Sexual Assault on College Campuses
Symposium on Campus Sexual Violence
Louisiana District Attorneys Association
New Orleans, Louisiana
What Law Enforcement Needs to Know About Title IX in K-12 Schools
Ingham County (Michigan) Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting
Small Talk Children’s Assessment Center
Lansing, Michigan
Title IX Investigator Training
A half-day interactive workshop for Title IX investigators. Topics included interviewing techniques, identifying relevant evidence, assessing credibility, and analyzing evidence.
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
Beyond Compliance: In Search of Effective, Fair, and Trauma-Informed Campus Sexual Misconduct Investigations
Let’s End Campus Sexual Assault
First Lady of Michigan Summit
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Title IX Training
A full-day interactive workshop designed to train multi-campus Title IX staff. Sessions included identifying relevant evidence, assessing credibility, and writing investigation reports.
Indiana University
Indianapolis, Indiana
Investigating Sexual Misconduct in Schools: What You Need to Know About Title IX and K-12 School Districts
Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference
Dallas, Texas
A Guide to the Successful and Effective Coexistence of Title IX Investigations and Criminal Prosecutions of Campus Sexual Assaults
International Conference on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
End Violence Against Women International
Orlando, Florida
Blurred Lines: Lessons from the Field About Sexual Assault
Attended by male members of University of Detroit Mercy athletic teams.
University of Detroit Mercy
Detroit, Michigan
Last Friday Night: Lessons from the Field About Sexual Assault
Attended by female members of University of Detroit Mercy athletic teams.
University of Detroit Mercy
Detroit, Michigan
Sexual Misconduct Review Panel Training
A day-long training for campus personnel who serve on the University’s review panel, including separate modules on the introduction to Title IX, the role of the investigator, understanding the role of the review panel, sanctioning, and interactive workshops implementing review panel skills.
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Campus Sexual Assault: The Intersection of Prosecutors, University Title IX Staff, Victims, and Survivors
Victims' Rights Conference
National District Attorneys Association
Arlington, Virginia
Men of the Highest Type: Leading the Way to a Chapter Free from Sexual Misconduct
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Leadership Institute
Evansville, Indiana
Investigating Sexual Misconduct in Schools: What You Need to Know About Title IX and K-12 School Districts
Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference
Dallas, Texas
First Responder Training and Title IX for Law Enforcement
Working Effectively with Law Enforcement and Other Advanced Title IX Issues
Title IX Issues for Student Conflict and Student Services Staff
Conducted three separate training presentations.
South Texas College
McAllen, Texas
Understanding and Preventing Campus Sexual Assault -- For Sororities
Webinar attended by members of sororities nationwide.
Holmes Murphy
Understanding and Preventing Campus Sexual Assault -- For Fraternities
Webinar attended by members of fraternities nationwide.
Holmes Murphy
A Conversation About Culture: How People Who Don't Rape Can Stop Rape
Attended by members of fraternities and sororities at Indiana University.
Indiana University Men Against Rape and Sexual Assault and Indiana University Safe Sisters
Bloomington, Indiana
And, Or, Both, Neither: A Guide to the Effective and Successful Coexistence of Title IX Investigations and Criminal Prosecutions of Campus Sexual Assaults
North Carolina Campus Sexual Violence Symposium
North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys
Raleigh, North Carolina
Introduction to Title IX, What is Sexual Harassment, and Understanding Mandatory Reporting
Conducted three separate training presentations.
The John Marshall Law School
Chicago, Illinois
Culture of Brotherhood: How Men Who Don’t Rape Can Stop Rape (keynote address)
Prevention in Theory: Learning the Who, What, and When of Campus Sexual Assaults and the Why, How, and When You Can Prevent Them (breakout session)
Title IX: Schools, Students and Campus Sexual Assaults (breakout session)
National speaker at five regional conferences
Attended by fraternity student leaders and professional staff, approximately 1,000 guests.
Delta Tau Delta
Title IX Compliance—Investigations and Interpersonal Violence Among Athletes—What Every Administrator Needs to Know
National Athletic Directors Conference
National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association
When Bullying Becomes Sexual Harassment: Title IX Concerns for Primary and Middle School Administrators
Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association Annual State Conference
Title IX Training
Two days of lessons, workshops, and interactive scenarios designed to train Title IX investigators and hearing panel members. Sessions included how to conduct Title IX-compliant investigations, trauma-informed interviewing, assessing credibility, and writing investigation reports.
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Title IX Training
A two-day intensive training comprised of customized segments covering policies for pregnant and parenting students, lessons from recent OCR resolution agreements, responsible employee education, VAWA compliance, and how to conduct Title IX-compliant investigations.
South Texas College
McAllen, Texas
Train the Trainer: Sexual Assault Prevention for Fraternities
An intensive four-hour interactive training discussing the research on campus sexual assault, identifying the factors and conditions that contribute to the perpetration of sexual assault, and providing the skills and vocabulary to implement prevention conversations at the individual chapter level.
Attended by professional staff from national fraternal organizations, approximately 80 guests.
Durward W. Owen Risk Management College
Train the Trainer: Sexual Assault Prevention for Sororities
An intensive four-hour interactive training discussing the research on campus sexual assault, identifying the factors and conditions that contribute to the perpetration of sexual assault, and providing the skills and vocabulary to implement prevention conversations at the individual chapter level.
Attended by professional staff from national sororities, approximately 35 guests.
Durward W. Owen Risk Management College
Swimming Upstream: How People Who Don't Rape Can Stop Rape
Attended by professional staff from national fraternities and sororities, approximately 100 guests.
Durward W. Owen Risk Management College
Title IX for Forensic Nurses
International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN)
Investigating Sexual Misconduct
A comprehensive two-day training for institutional staff who handle student sexual misconduct.
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, Indiana
And, Or, Both, Neither: A Guide to the Effective and Successful Coexistence of Title IX Investigations and Criminal Prosecutions of Campus Sexual Assaults
Keynote Speaker at the Campus Safety and Violence Prevention Forum
Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
Richmond, Virginia
Blurred Lines: Lessons from the Field About Sexual Assault
Attended by IU Men Against Rape & Sexual Assault and members of Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Delta Chi and other Indiana University fraternity chapters.
Bloomington, Indiana
Blurred Lines: Lessons from the Field About Sexual Assault
Attended by members of multiple fraternities at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, approximately 250 guests in three presentations.
Lincoln, Nebraska
Blurred Lines: Lessons from the Field About Sexual Assault
Attended by Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Michigan Iota-Beta chapter at the University of Michigan.
Ann Arbor, Michigan