
Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger
Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger has a distinguished background in law, criminal justice, and higher education.

Bridgette Carr
Bridgette Carr utilizes her impressive legal practice and experience as a trainer and consultant on sexual assault and human trafficking in her work as an impartial hearing officer.

Jackie Dakich
Jackie Dakich serves as an investigator and party advisor using skills and knowledge based on twenty-five years working on issues of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault.

Jayne Grandes
Higher education professional Jayne Grandes conducts Title IX investigations with a focus on fairness, respect and equity for everyone involved.

Howard Kallem
Howard Kallem provides counseling and guidance aimed at prevention and compliance under the ever-evolving Title IX regulations and litigation context.

Carolyn Olson
With nearly twenty years of experience in both federal and state criminal justice systems, Carolyn brings a keen eye for detail, fairness, and deliberation when conducting Title IX investigations and hearings for institutions of higher education.

Vivek Sankaran
Vivek Sankaran brings decades of experience working with both victims of trauma and those accused of misconduct to his work as a fair and neutral Title IX hearing officer.

Kimberly Schrader
Kimberly Schrader utilizes her more than a decade of experience as a Title IX Coordinator to provide interim Title IX staffing and informal resolution with a focus on fairness, empathy, and effective communication.

Matthew Suczynski
With nearly two decades of handling complex matters involving higher education, Matthew brings professionalism and a deep knowledge of the Title IX process to his work as a party advisor.

Kimberly Taylor
With over two decades of practice in higher education, Kim Taylor utilizes her experience as a Title IX Coordinator to provide interim Title IX staffing and trainings as well as conduct fair and equitable investigations.

Lin-Chi Wang
Lin-Chi Wang draws on her experience as a Title IX Coordinator and a civil rights investigator to conduct impartial and thorough sexual misconduct investigations and adjudications.