Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger
Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger has a distinguished background in law, criminal justice, and higher education.

Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger
Title IX Investigator, University of Michigan
Interim Deputy Title IX Coordinator at Michigan State University
Monroe County (Indiana) Prosecutor’s Office
Sex Crimes Deputy Prosecutor
Domestic Violence Deputy Prosecutor
General Felony and Misdemeanor Deputy Prosecutor
Georgetown University Law Center, J.D.
The George Washington University, M.A. (Public Policy and Women’s Studies)
McGill University, B.A. (English)
Community Engagement and Pro Bono Commitment
Expungement Attorney, Legal Services of South Central Michigan (2020 - Present)
Michigan Women’s Justice and Clemency Project, Volunteer Attorney (2014 - 2020)
Ann Arbor Public Schools Sexual Health Education Advisory Committee, Member (2018 - 2020)
State Bar of Michigan Domestic Violence Committee, Appointed Member (2014 - 2017)
Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger brings deep experience in law, criminal justice, and higher education to deliver full-service solutions to issues involving Title IX and campus sexual misconduct — always with the utmost professionalism, fairness, and respect for the individuals involved.
From sensitive investigations and impartial adjudications to compliance counseling and in-depth training programs, Rebecca serves as a valuable resource for institutions of higher education and K-12 school districts across the country.
Her deep respect for due process and fairness guides every engagement, whether conducting investigations into sexual misconduct allegations, providing Title IX compliance audits, serving as an impartial hearing officer, or delivering preventive and other Title IX training services.
A trained forensic interviewer, Rebecca has conducted and supervised hundreds of investigations of school-related sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and improper relationships. By drawing on deep experience in the field, she tailors her approach with developmentally appropriate and trauma-informed techniques that address the unique circumstances of each participant in the investigative process with compassion and respect.
Rebecca has served as a hearing officer in over 80 Title IX hearings since August 2020. She approaches each hearing with a commitment to fairness, recognizing the high stakes for the parties involved and the importance of conducting a hearing that complies with federal regulations and the current state of the case law. Rebecca’s written hearing determinations meticulously address the relevant evidence, spell out each step of her analysis, and provide sound policy conclusions.
Rebecca’s experience in this field was recognized in 2023, when she was appointed as an external co-chair of the University of Michigan’s Coordinated Community Response Team, a specialized three-campus-wide task force designed to evaluate, address, and improve the university’s sexual misconduct prevention and response systems.
In addition to her private legal practice, Rebecca teaches Title IX law at the University of Michigan Law School. She also serves as an instructor for the State University of New York's (SUNY) Student Conduct Institute, where she leads online modules on effective investigative interviewing, collecting and understanding specialized evidence, and writing hearing determinations.
Previous Experience
Rebecca began her distinguished legal career with a federal clerkship for the Honorable Harold H. Greene in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. She then spent eight years as a prosecutor in Bloomington, Indiana, where she handled hundreds of domestic and sexual violence cases involving children and adults. Building on her background as a sex crimes prosecutor in a Big Ten college town, Rebecca then served as a Title IX Investigator at the University of Michigan.
Rebecca has served in Title IX leadership roles on an interim basis for several institutions, including as the Interim Deputy Title IX Coordinator at Michigan State University, where she helped create a freestanding civil rights investigation unit, trained civil rights investigators, and supervised the university’s response to complaints of sexual misconduct.
Presentations & Publications
A noted thought leader in her field, Rebecca has trained thousands of Title IX staff and higher education and K-12 administrators across the country. She has been published in legal and industry journals, prosecutor and law enforcement association publications, K-12 educational newsletters, and fraternity and sorority trade magazines.
Rebecca is also a contributing author to SUNY’s Joint Guidance on Federal Title IX Regulations, a free comprehensive resource geared to providing high-quality Title IX interpretation, insights, and practice tips for institutions of higher education.
View a comprehensive list of Rebecca’s presentations and publications here.​