Bridgette Carr
Bridgette Carr utilizes her impressive legal practice and experience as a trainer and consultant on sexual assault and human trafficking in her work as an impartial hearing officer.
University of Michigan Law School
Clinical Professor of Law and Director of Human Trafficking Clinic
Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives
Associate Clinical Professor, University of Notre Dame Law School
University of Michigan Law School, J.D., cum laude
University of Notre Dame, B.A., cum laude (Psychology)
Community Engagement and Pro Bono Commitment
Human Trafficking Clinic, University of Michigan Law School (2009 - Present)
Michigan Human Trafficking Taskforce, Member (2010 - Present)
Bridgette Carr is a distinguished clinical law professor at the University of Michigan Law School, recognized for her comprehensive understanding of the complexities of sexual assault and human trafficking cases. With over 15 years of practice in trauma-informed interviews and investigations, she has developed a profound reputation for her compassionate, empathetic, and equitable approach. At the University of Michigan Law School, Bridgette founded the Human Trafficking Clinic, the first clinical law program devoted to addressing human trafficking issues and teaching law students trauma-informed and ethical lawyering skills. Since then, Bridgette and her colleagues have provided free legal services to the victims of trafficking crimes.
In addition to her impressive legal practice, Bridgette is a sought-after trainer and consultant on sexual assault and human trafficking. Her extensive experience in representing individuals extends beyond the courtroom; she also equips law students and legal professionals with the essential skills for ethical, compassionate, and trauma-informed interviewing, investigation, and trial advocacy techniques within the state, federal, and administrative systems.
Previous Experience
Bridgette was appointed to Michigan’s first Commission on Human Trafficking by the Attorney General, which works alongside law enforcement to prosecute human trafficking cases and raise awareness throughout Michigan. She has also served as a consultant on human trafficking for the United Nations Office on Drugs, focusing on criminal justice for the victims of migrant smuggling and human trafficking.
Prior to joining University of Michigan Law School faculty, Bridgette was a Michigan refugee and asylum law fellow with Amnesty International, representing refugees seeking grants of political asylum. After earning her J.D., Bridgette became an associate clinical professor at the University of Notre Dame Law School, where she headed the Immigrants Rights Project.
Presentations & Publications
Bridgette is the lead author of the Human Trafficking Law and Policy casebook, highlighting the case law, legislation, and scholarship that comprise domestic and international human trafficking laws and further solidifying her standing as a leading voice on the topics of coercion and exploitation.
She has been a frequent speaker, appearing as an authority on human trafficking on The Today Show, MSNBC, and NPR, and has been quoted in many news outlets and publications including The New York Times.
Awards & Honors
Bridgette was one of five individuals to receive the 2014 Champion of Justice award from the State Bar of Michigan for her utmost integrity and the benefits she provides to her community through her extraordinary professional achievements.