Experienced. Impartial. Fair. Respectful.

Providing Title IX investigations, adjudications, training, and interim staffing in the area of campus sexual assault and harassment and K-12 sexual misconduct.

Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger has built upon her distinguished background in law, criminal justice, and higher education by assembling a group of top-notch professionals who deliver impartial, full-spectrum legal counsel on all aspects of Title IX implementation and compliance.
This talented team includes attorneys and investigators with deep Title IX experience within the higher education environment, in government roles at several levels, as a sex crimes and domestic violence prosecutor, and in private legal practice.
Our team understands the high stakes surrounding sexual misconduct allegations. We know claims are sensitive and that the parties involved deserve investigators and hearing officers who are unbiased, experienced, and knowledgeable. We are the neutral resource clients need to investigate and adjudicate allegations of sexual misconduct.

Our Clients
We work with a diverse, nationwide clientele that includes
Public and private colleges and universities
Community colleges
Professional schools
Faith-based educational institutions
Public and private K-12 districts